We found 14 areas with the pin code 221717. Below are the details of each of these post offices. The pincode 221717 is in district Ballia, Uttar Pradesh.
Baghuri is located in the district of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. The pincode of Baghuri is 221717. The area "Baghuri" lies under takula of Sikanderpur and has a Branch Office. Baghuri comes under the head office Ballia. The postal division for pin code 221717 is Ballia.
Area | Baghuri |
City | Ballia |
Taluka | Sikanderpur |
District | Ballia |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Ballia |
Postal Region | Gorakhpur |
Sub Office | Nawanagar (Ballia) |
Head Office | Ballia |
Bharthaon is located in the district of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. The pincode of Bharthaon is 221717. The area "Bharthaon" lies under takula of Sikanderpur and has a Branch Office. Bharthaon comes under the head office Ballia. The postal division for pin code 221717 is Ballia.
Area | Bharthaon |
City | Ballia |
Taluka | Sikanderpur |
District | Ballia |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Ballia |
Postal Region | Gorakhpur |
Sub Office | Nawanagar (Ballia) |
Head Office | Ballia |
Deokali is located in the district of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. The pincode of Deokali is 221717. The area "Deokali" lies under takula of Sikanderpur and has a Branch Office. Deokali comes under the head office Ballia. The postal division for pin code 221717 is Ballia.
Area | Deokali |
City | Ballia |
Taluka | Sikanderpur |
District | Ballia |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Ballia |
Postal Region | Gorakhpur |
Sub Office | Nawanagar (Ballia) |
Head Office | Ballia |
Dhoridih is located in the district of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. The pincode of Dhoridih is 221717. The area "Dhoridih" lies under takula of Sikanderpur and has a Branch Office. Dhoridih comes under the head office Ballia. The postal division for pin code 221717 is Ballia.
Area | Dhoridih |
City | Ballia |
Taluka | Sikanderpur |
District | Ballia |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Ballia |
Postal Region | Gorakhpur |
Sub Office | Nawanagar (Ballia) |
Head Office | Ballia |
Duhabihra is located in the district of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. The pincode of Duhabihra is 221717. The area "Duhabihra" lies under takula of Sikanderpur and has a Branch Office. Duhabihra comes under the head office Ballia. The postal division for pin code 221717 is Ballia.
Area | Duhabihra |
City | Ballia |
Taluka | Sikanderpur |
District | Ballia |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Ballia |
Postal Region | Gorakhpur |
Sub Office | Nawanagar (Ballia) |
Head Office | Ballia |
Isarpitha Patti is located in the district of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. The pincode of Isarpitha Patti is 221717. The area "Isarpitha Patti" lies under takula of Sikanderpur and has a Branch Office. Isarpitha Patti comes under the head office Ballia. The postal division for pin code 221717 is Ballia.
Area | Isarpitha Patti |
City | Ballia |
Taluka | Sikanderpur |
District | Ballia |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Ballia |
Postal Region | Gorakhpur |
Sub Office | Nawanagar (Ballia) |
Head Office | Ballia |
Jajauli is located in the district of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. The pincode of Jajauli is 221717. The area "Jajauli" lies under takula of Sikanderpur and has a Branch Office. Jajauli comes under the head office Ballia. The postal division for pin code 221717 is Ballia.
Area | Jajauli |
City | Ballia |
Taluka | Sikanderpur |
District | Ballia |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Ballia |
Postal Region | Gorakhpur |
Sub Office | Nawanagar (Ballia) |
Head Office | Ballia |
Jamui is located in the district of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. The pincode of Jamui is 221717. The area "Jamui" lies under takula of Ballia and has a Branch Office. Jamui comes under the head office Ballia. The postal division for pin code 221717 is Ballia.
Area | Jamui |
City | Ballia |
Taluka | Ballia |
District | Ballia |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Ballia |
Postal Region | Gorakhpur |
Sub Office | Nawanagar (Ballia) |
Head Office | Ballia |
Karsi is located in the district of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. The pincode of Karsi is 221717. The area "Karsi" lies under takula of Sikanderpur and has a Branch Office. Karsi comes under the head office Ballia. The postal division for pin code 221717 is Ballia.
Area | Karsi |
City | Ballia |
Taluka | Sikanderpur |
District | Ballia |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Ballia |
Postal Region | Gorakhpur |
Sub Office | Nawanagar (Ballia) |
Head Office | Ballia |
Kathaura is located in the district of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. The pincode of Kathaura is 221717. The area "Kathaura" lies under takula of Sikanderpur and has a Branch Office. Kathaura comes under the head office Ballia. The postal division for pin code 221717 is Ballia.
Area | Kathaura |
City | Ballia |
Taluka | Sikanderpur |
District | Ballia |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Ballia |
Postal Region | Gorakhpur |
Sub Office | Nawanagar (Ballia) |
Head Office | Ballia |
Khathghara is located in the district of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. The pincode of Khathghara is 221717. The area "Khathghara" lies under takula of Sikanderpur and has a Branch Office. Khathghara comes under the head office Ballia. The postal division for pin code 221717 is Ballia.
Area | Khathghara |
City | Ballia |
Taluka | Sikanderpur |
District | Ballia |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Ballia |
Postal Region | Gorakhpur |
Sub Office | Nawanagar (Ballia) |
Head Office | Ballia |
Koth is located in the district of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. The pincode of Koth is 221717. The area "Koth" lies under takula of Sikanderpur and has a Branch Office. Koth comes under the head office Ballia. The postal division for pin code 221717 is Ballia.
Area | Koth |
City | Ballia |
Taluka | Sikanderpur |
District | Ballia |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Ballia |
Postal Region | Gorakhpur |
Sub Office | Nawanagar (Ballia) |
Head Office | Ballia |
Nawanagar Ballia is located in the district of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. The pincode of Nawanagar Ballia is 221717. The area "Nawanagar Ballia" lies under takula of Sikanderpur and has a Sub Office. Nawanagar Ballia comes under the head office Ballia. The postal division for pin code 221717 is Ballia.
Area | Nawanagar Ballia |
City | Ballia |
Taluka | Sikanderpur |
District | Ballia |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Office Status | Sub Office |
Postal Division | Ballia |
Postal Region | Gorakhpur |
Sub Office | NA |
Head Office | Ballia |
Rudrawar is located in the district of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. The pincode of Rudrawar is 221717. The area "Rudrawar" lies under takula of Sikanderpur and has a Branch Office. Rudrawar comes under the head office Ballia. The postal division for pin code 221717 is Ballia.
Area | Rudrawar |
City | Ballia |
Taluka | Sikanderpur |
District | Ballia |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Ballia |
Postal Region | Gorakhpur |
Sub Office | Nawanagar (Ballia) |
Head Office | Ballia |