We found 20 areas with the pin code 249192. Below are the details of each of these post offices. The pincode 249192 is in district Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand.
Atali Byasi is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Atali Byasi is 249192. The area "Atali Byasi" lies under takula of Narendranagar and has a Branch Office. Atali Byasi comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Atali Byasi |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendranagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Bachhelikhal is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Bachhelikhal is 249192. The area "Bachhelikhal" lies under takula of Narendra Nagar and has a Branch Office. Bachhelikhal comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Bachhelikhal |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendra Nagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Bairaigaon is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Bairaigaon is 249192. The area "Bairaigaon" lies under takula of Narendra Nagar and has a Branch Office. Bairaigaon comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Bairaigaon |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendra Nagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Banskatal is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Banskatal is 249192. The area "Banskatal" lies under takula of Narendranagar and has a Branch Office. Banskatal comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Banskatal |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendranagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Bharpur is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Bharpur is 249192. The area "Bharpur" lies under takula of Narendranagar and has a Branch Office. Bharpur comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Bharpur |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendranagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Gulardogi is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Gulardogi is 249192. The area "Gulardogi" lies under takula of Narendra Nagar and has a Branch Office. Gulardogi comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Gulardogi |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendra Nagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Kakhoor is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Kakhoor is 249192. The area "Kakhoor" lies under takula of Narendranagar and has a Branch Office. Kakhoor comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Kakhoor |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendranagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Kaudiyala is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Kaudiyala is 249192. The area "Kaudiyala" lies under takula of Narendranagar and has a Branch Office. Kaudiyala comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Kaudiyala |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendranagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Kharsadi is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Kharsadi is 249192. The area "Kharsadi" lies under takula of Narendra Nagar and has a Branch Office. Kharsadi comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Kharsadi |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendra Nagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Kyara is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Kyara is 249192. The area "Kyara" lies under takula of Nrendra Nagar and has a Branch Office. Kyara comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Kyara |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Nrendra Nagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Manderigaon is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Manderigaon is 249192. The area "Manderigaon" lies under takula of Narendranagar and has a Branch Office. Manderigaon comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Manderigaon |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendranagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Manjiyari is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Manjiyari is 249192. The area "Manjiyari" lies under takula of Narendra Nagr and has a Branch Office. Manjiyari comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Manjiyari |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendra Nagr |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Mindath is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Mindath is 249192. The area "Mindath" lies under takula of Narendranagar and has a Branch Office. Mindath comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Mindath |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendranagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Mundala is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Mundala is 249192. The area "Mundala" lies under takula of Narendranagar and has a Branch Office. Mundala comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Mundala |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendranagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Naidogi is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Naidogi is 249192. The area "Naidogi" lies under takula of Narendranagar and has a Branch Office. Naidogi comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Naidogi |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendranagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Shivanand Nagar is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Shivanand Nagar is 249192. The area "Shivanand Nagar" lies under takula of Narendra Nagar and has a Sub Office. Shivanand Nagar comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Shivanand Nagar |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendra Nagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Sub Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | NA |
Head Office | Tehri |
Shivpuri is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Shivpuri is 249192. The area "Shivpuri" lies under takula of Narendra Nagar and has a Branch Office. Shivpuri comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Shivpuri |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendra Nagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Silkani is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Silkani is 249192. The area "Silkani" lies under takula of Narendra Nagar and has a Branch Office. Silkani comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Silkani |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendra Nagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Tapoban is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Tapoban is 249192. The area "Tapoban" lies under takula of Narendranagar and has a Branch Office. Tapoban comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Tapoban |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendranagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |
Timli is located in the district of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. The pincode of Timli is 249192. The area "Timli" lies under takula of Narendranagar and has a Branch Office. Timli comes under the head office Tehri. The postal division for pin code 249192 is Tehri.
Area | Timli |
City | Tehri Garhwal |
Taluka | Narendranagar |
District | Tehri Garhwal |
State | Uttarakhand |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Tehri |
Postal Region | Dehradun |
Sub Office | Shivanand Nagar |
Head Office | Tehri |