440017 PIN Code - Post Offices for PIN Code 440017

We found 2 areas with the pin code 440017. Below are the details of each of these post offices. The pincode 440017 is in district Nagpur, Maharashtra.

1. Details of Dr Ambedkar Marg Post Office, Nagpur Maharashtra

Dr Ambedkar Marg is located in the district of Nagpur, Maharashtra. The pincode of Dr Ambedkar Marg is 440017. The area "Dr Ambedkar Marg" lies under takula of Nagpur and has a Sub Office. Dr Ambedkar Marg comes under the head office Nagpur City. The postal division for pin code 440017 is Nagpur City.

Area Dr Ambedkar Marg
City Nagpur
Taluka Nagpur
District Nagpur
State Maharashtra
Office Status Sub Office
Postal Division Nagpur City
Postal Region Nagpur
Sub Office NA
Head Office Nagpur City

2. Details of Panchsheel Nagar Post Office, Nagpur Maharashtra

Panchsheel Nagar is located in the district of Nagpur, Maharashtra. The pincode of Panchsheel Nagar is 440017. The area "Panchsheel Nagar" lies under takula of Nagpur and has a Sub Office. Panchsheel Nagar comes under the head office Nagpur City. The postal division for pin code 440017 is Nagpur City.

Area Panchsheel Nagar
City Nagpur
Taluka Nagpur
District Nagpur
State Maharashtra
Office Status Sub Office
Postal Division Nagpur City
Postal Region Nagpur
Sub Office NA
Head Office Nagpur City
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