We found 23 areas with the pin code 445002. Below are the details of each of these post offices. The pincode 445002 is in district Yavatmal, Maharashtra.
Bhari is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Bhari is 445002. The area "Bhari" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Bhari comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Bhari |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Bhosa is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Bhosa is 445002. The area "Bhosa" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Bhosa comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Bhosa |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Borgaon is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Borgaon is 445002. The area "Borgaon" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Borgaon comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Borgaon |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Chinchghat is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Chinchghat is 445002. The area "Chinchghat" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Chinchghat comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Chinchghat |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Ghodkhindi is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Ghodkhindi is 445002. The area "Ghodkhindi" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Ghodkhindi comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Ghodkhindi |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Jamb is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Jamb is 445002. The area "Jamb" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Jamb comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Jamb |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Jodmoha is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Jodmoha is 445002. The area "Jodmoha" lies under takula of Kalamb and has a Branch Office. Jodmoha comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Jodmoha |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Kalamb |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Kinhi is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Kinhi is 445002. The area "Kinhi" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Kinhi comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Kinhi |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Lasina is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Lasina is 445002. The area "Lasina" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Lasina comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Lasina |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Lohara is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Lohara is 445002. The area "Lohara" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Lohara comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Lohara |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
M I D C is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of M I D C is 445002. The area "M I D C" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. M I D C comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | M I D C |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Madkona is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Madkona is 445002. The area "Madkona" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Madkona comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Madkona |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Madni is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Madni is 445002. The area "Madni" lies under takula of Babhulgaon and has a Branch Office. Madni comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Madni |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Babhulgaon |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Murzadi is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Murzadi is 445002. The area "Murzadi" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Murzadi comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Murzadi |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Nanza is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Nanza is 445002. The area "Nanza" lies under takula of Kalamb and has a Branch Office. Nanza comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Nanza |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Kalamb |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Sawargad is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Sawargad is 445002. The area "Sawargad" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Sawargad comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Sawargad |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Talegaon is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Talegaon is 445002. The area "Talegaon" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Talegaon comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Talegaon |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Umarsara is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Umarsara is 445002. The area "Umarsara" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Umarsara comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Umarsara |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Wadgaon P S is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Wadgaon P S is 445002. The area "Wadgaon P S" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Wadgaon P S comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Wadgaon P S |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Wadgaon Road is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Wadgaon Road is 445002. The area "Wadgaon Road" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Wadgaon Road comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Wadgaon Road |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Waghapur is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Waghapur is 445002. The area "Waghapur" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Waghapur comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Waghapur |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Yawali is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Yawali is 445002. The area "Yawali" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Branch Office. Yawali comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Yawali |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Branch Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | Zillla Parishad (Yavatmal) |
Head Office | Yavatmal |
Zillla Parishad Yavatmal is located in the district of Yavatmal, Maharashtra. The pincode of Zillla Parishad Yavatmal is 445002. The area "Zillla Parishad Yavatmal" lies under takula of Yavatmal and has a Sub Office. Zillla Parishad Yavatmal comes under the head office Yavatmal. The postal division for pin code 445002 is Yeotmal.
Area | Zillla Parishad Yavatmal |
City | Yavatmal |
Taluka | Yavatmal |
District | Yavatmal |
State | Maharashtra |
Office Status | Sub Office |
Postal Division | Yeotmal |
Postal Region | Nagpur |
Sub Office | NA |
Head Office | Yavatmal |