We found 15 areas with the pin code 671541. Below are the details of each of these post offices. The pincode 671541 is in district Kasargod, Kerala.
Bandadka is located in the district of Kasargod, Kerala. The pincode of Bandadka is 671541. The area "Bandadka" lies under takula of Kasaragod and has a Branch Office. Bandadka comes under the head office Kasaragod. The postal division for pin code 671541 is Kasaragod.
Bedadka is located in the district of Kasargod, Kerala. The pincode of Bedadka is 671541. The area "Bedadka" lies under takula of Kasaragod and has a Branch Office. Bedadka comes under the head office Kasaragod. The postal division for pin code 671541 is Kasaragod.
Chengala is located in the district of Kasargod, Kerala. The pincode of Chengala is 671541. The area "Chengala" lies under takula of Kasaragod and has a Sub Office. Chengala comes under the head office Kasaragod. The postal division for pin code 671541 is Kasaragod.
Edneer is located in the district of Kasargod, Kerala. The pincode of Edneer is 671541. The area "Edneer" lies under takula of Kasaragod and has a Branch Office. Edneer comes under the head office Kasaragod. The postal division for pin code 671541 is Kasaragod.
Karivedakam is located in the district of Kasargod, Kerala. The pincode of Karivedakam is 671541. The area "Karivedakam" lies under takula of Kasaragod and has a Branch Office. Karivedakam comes under the head office Kasaragod. The postal division for pin code 671541 is Kasaragod.
Kolathuri is located in the district of Kasargod, Kerala. The pincode of Kolathuri is 671541. The area "Kolathuri" lies under takula of Kasaragod and has a Branch Office. Kolathuri comes under the head office Kasaragod. The postal division for pin code 671541 is Kasaragod.
Kundankuzhy is located in the district of Kasargod, Kerala. The pincode of Kundankuzhy is 671541. The area "Kundankuzhy" lies under takula of Kasaragod and has a Branch Office. Kundankuzhy comes under the head office Kasaragod. The postal division for pin code 671541 is Kasaragod.
Kuttikolu is located in the district of Kasargod, Kerala. The pincode of Kuttikolu is 671541. The area "Kuttikolu" lies under takula of Kasaragod and has a Branch Office. Kuttikolu comes under the head office Kasaragod. The postal division for pin code 671541 is Kasaragod.
Manadka is located in the district of Kasargod, Kerala. The pincode of Manadka is 671541. The area "Manadka" lies under takula of Kasaragod and has a Branch Office. Manadka comes under the head office Kasaragod. The postal division for pin code 671541 is Kasaragod.
Manimoole is located in the district of Kasargod, Kerala. The pincode of Manimoole is 671541. The area "Manimoole" lies under takula of Kasaragod and has a Branch Office. Manimoole comes under the head office Kasaragod. The postal division for pin code 671541 is Kasaragod.
Munnad is located in the district of Kasargod, Kerala. The pincode of Munnad is 671541. The area "Munnad" lies under takula of Kasaragod and has a Branch Office. Munnad comes under the head office Kasaragod. The postal division for pin code 671541 is Kasaragod.
Samekochi is located in the district of Kasargod, Kerala. The pincode of Samekochi is 671541. The area "Samekochi" lies under takula of Kasaragod and has a Branch Office. Samekochi comes under the head office Kasaragod. The postal division for pin code 671541 is Kasaragod.
Sankarampady is located in the district of Kasargod, Kerala. The pincode of Sankarampady is 671541. The area "Sankarampady" lies under takula of Kasaragod and has a Branch Office. Sankarampady comes under the head office Kasaragod. The postal division for pin code 671541 is Kasaragod.
Thekkil is located in the district of Kasargod, Kerala. The pincode of Thekkil is 671541. The area "Thekkil" lies under takula of Kasaragod and has a Branch Office. Thekkil comes under the head office Kasaragod. The postal division for pin code 671541 is Kasaragod.
Thekkilferry is located in the district of Kasargod, Kerala. The pincode of Thekkilferry is 671541. The area "Thekkilferry" lies under takula of Kasaragod and has a Branch Office. Thekkilferry comes under the head office Kasaragod. The postal division for pin code 671541 is Kasaragod.