We found 10 areas with the pin code 673602. Below are the details of each of these post offices. The pincode 673602 is in district Kozhikode, Kerala.
Alli is located in the district of Kozhikode, Kerala. The pincode of Alli is 673602. The area "Alli" lies under takula of Kozhikode and has a Branch Office. Alli comes under the head office Calicut Civil Station. The postal division for pin code 673602 is Calicut.
Chennamangallur is located in the district of Kozhikode, Kerala. The pincode of Chennamangallur is 673602. The area "Chennamangallur" lies under takula of Kozhikode and has a Branch Office. Chennamangallur comes under the head office Calicut Civil Station. The postal division for pin code 673602 is Calicut.
Karasseri is located in the district of Kozhikode, Kerala. The pincode of Karasseri is 673602. The area "Karasseri" lies under takula of Kozhikode and has a Branch Office. Karasseri comes under the head office Calicut Civil Station. The postal division for pin code 673602 is Calicut.
Kodiyathur is located in the district of Kozhikode, Kerala. The pincode of Kodiyathur is 673602. The area "Kodiyathur" lies under takula of Kozhikode and has a Branch Office. Kodiyathur comes under the head office Calicut Civil Station. The postal division for pin code 673602 is Calicut.
Kumaranellur is located in the district of Kozhikode, Kerala. The pincode of Kumaranellur is 673602. The area "Kumaranellur" lies under takula of Kozhikode and has a Branch Office. Kumaranellur comes under the head office Calicut Civil Station. The postal division for pin code 673602 is Calicut.
Manasseri is located in the district of Kozhikode, Kerala. The pincode of Manasseri is 673602. The area "Manasseri" lies under takula of Kozhikode and has a Branch Office. Manasseri comes under the head office Calicut Civil Station. The postal division for pin code 673602 is Calicut.
Mokkam is located in the district of Kozhikode, Kerala. The pincode of Mokkam is 673602. The area "Mokkam" lies under takula of Kozhikode and has a Sub Office. Mokkam comes under the head office Calicut Civil Station. The postal division for pin code 673602 is Calicut.
Mysore Mala is located in the district of Kozhikode, Kerala. The pincode of Mysore Mala is 673602. The area "Mysore Mala" lies under takula of Kozhikode and has a Branch Office. Mysore Mala comes under the head office Calicut Civil Station. The postal division for pin code 673602 is Calicut.
Nellika Paramba is located in the district of Kozhikode, Kerala. The pincode of Nellika Paramba is 673602. The area "Nellika Paramba" lies under takula of Kozhikode and has a Branch Office. Nellika Paramba comes under the head office Calicut Civil Station. The postal division for pin code 673602 is Calicut.
Pannicode is located in the district of Kozhikode, Kerala. The pincode of Pannicode is 673602. The area "Pannicode" lies under takula of Kozhikode and has a Branch Office. Pannicode comes under the head office Calicut Civil Station. The postal division for pin code 673602 is Calicut.