We found 16 areas with the pin code 752031. Below are the details of each of these post offices. The pincode 752031 is in district Khordha, Odisha.
Antarkiari is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Antarkiari is 752031. The area "Antarkiari" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Branch Office. Antarkiari comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.
Badasereipur is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Badasereipur is 752031. The area "Badasereipur" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Branch Office. Badasereipur comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.
Badhantuad is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Badhantuad is 752031. The area "Badhantuad" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Branch Office. Badhantuad comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.
Balidihi is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Balidihi is 752031. The area "Balidihi" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Branch Office. Balidihi comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.
Banpur Khorda is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Banpur Khorda is 752031. The area "Banpur Khorda" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Sub Office. Banpur Khorda comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.
Bheteswar is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Bheteswar is 752031. The area "Bheteswar" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Branch Office. Bheteswar comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.
Bhimpur is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Bhimpur is 752031. The area "Bhimpur" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Branch Office. Bhimpur comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.
Dibyasinghpur is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Dibyasinghpur is 752031. The area "Dibyasinghpur" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Branch Office. Dibyasinghpur comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.
Godabaris Mahavidyalaya is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Godabaris Mahavidyalaya is 752031. The area "Godabaris Mahavidyalaya" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Branch Office. Godabaris Mahavidyalaya comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.
Kumaranga is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Kumaranga is 752031. The area "Kumaranga" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Branch Office. Kumaranga comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.
Narendrapur is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Narendrapur is 752031. The area "Narendrapur" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Branch Office. Narendrapur comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.
Pratap is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Pratap is 752031. The area "Pratap" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Branch Office. Pratap comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.
Punjiama Sasan is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Punjiama Sasan is 752031. The area "Punjiama Sasan" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Branch Office. Punjiama Sasan comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.
Sahaspur is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Sahaspur is 752031. The area "Sahaspur" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Branch Office. Sahaspur comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.
Saliadam is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Saliadam is 752031. The area "Saliadam" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Branch Office. Saliadam comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.
Sanahantuad is located in the district of Khordha, Odisha. The pincode of Sanahantuad is 752031. The area "Sanahantuad" lies under takula of Banpur and has a Branch Office. Sanahantuad comes under the head office Khurda. The postal division for pin code 752031 is Puri.