Suleeswaran Patti PIN Code in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Suleeswaran Patti is located in the district of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. The pincode of Suleeswaran Patti is
642006. The area "Suleeswaran Patti" lies under takula of Pollachi and has a Sub Office.
Suleeswaran Patti comes under the head office Pollachi. The postal division for pin code 642006 is Pollachi.
Note: While we try to make the pincode data as accurate as
possible, sometimes there might be inaccuracy in data.
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What is PIN Code?
A Postal Index Number or PIN or Pincode is a code in the post
office numbering or post code system used by India Post, the Indian
postal administration. The code is six digits long.
The PIN Code system was introduced on 15 August 1972. The system
was introduced to simplify the manual sorting and delivery of mail by
eliminating confusion over incorrect addresses, similar place names and
different languages used by the public